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Top 5 Arcade Games to Play at Phoenix Mall Pune Game Zone

Lifestyle July 18, 2024

When at the Phoenix Mall Pune game zone, you’ll naturally seek out the best arcade games for fun with friends and family. There is just something about arcade games, right? They come with an indelible charm and excitement that is hard to find elsewhere. Even though PlayStations and computer games have become mainstream choices today, nothing still matches up to the allure of arcade games. On that note, here are 5 of the top choices that are worth trying when you are at the Phoenix Mall Pune game zone. 

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Top 10 Doormat Materials for Every Home

Lifestyle June 26, 2024

Selecting a doormat is a prime decision for everyone. The doormat makes a solid statement about the kind of home you have and also ensures maximum safety while walking, entering, and exiting the house. However, keeping in mind the significance of doormats, let us look at the top 10 doormat materials that can be ideal for your home, thus protecting your floor.

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BALI SHOPPING GUIDE: Best Places to shop from in Bali!

Fashion, Lifestyle October 8, 2019

Bali is a beautiful place. While we cherished the beauty of the Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, beaches and coral reefs, we could not resist shopping. Bali offers a unique experience for shopaholics too as there are variety of places to shop – from local to brands to designer stores to boutiques. One would find goods like handbags, jewellery, footwear, clothes, lingerie and much more. Foodies, fret not, there is a food market as well. Then you have beautiful crafts like paintings, sculptures, furniture, home décor etc. The paradise offers everything here that is why Bali is the heart of Indonesia like Delhi is the heart of India.

We shopped a lot in Bali and we are putting down a list for you all so that you can make the most when you go to Bali:

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Are discounts the biggest marketing tactic for festive shopping?

Lifestyle September 1, 2019

While growing up, Independence Day/Republic Day have been synonymous with Big Bazaar sale. Three days leading to the patriotic day are when most of the families would stock up groceries, dinner sets, luggage and a lot of other things. Like every year, this year too Big Bazaar hosted a mega event – August Savings Bazaar during the recently concluded Independence Day which had everything at upto 70 percent which got a great response.


Festival shopping is not the same for different generations, neither is marketing

Lifestyle August 25, 2019

Come Diwali and our wishlist would be ready. While I am looking at an upgrade of my gadget(s) – my mobile and laptop, my parents would have a different wishlist in mind. My mother who is a housewife would be looking at new elements of home – buying new consumer durables (microwave, AC, TV etc) or decor to ensure our home looks the brightest and cleanest while my father who is a businessman would be looking forward to upgrading his automobile.


SRL Diagnostics: A step towards good health

Lifestyle July 24, 2019

Aren’t we all guilty of neglecting our health because of our busy schedule? Whether you are a working professional trying to balance personal and professional life or a housewife ensuring your husband and child eat healthily, we sometimes tend to ignore our own health in the midst of making everything around us perfect.

If I look at myself, i am absolutely guilty of ignoring my health owing to my busy schedule.

I manage a full-time Corporate Communications job plus an active blog. Untimely meals, skipping breakfast, not eating a balanced diet, no exercise does have its own impact on health. In May 2019 itself, I had to travel twice, one domestic for my blog and an international vacation with family. Even work-wise, it was super hectic with a new campaign launch and a big store launch completing a milestone.

I had been feeling fatigued and that’s when my mother suggested me to get a health check-up done. I assured her that I am fit and fine but you know how mothers are, they would want the best for their kids.  So I booked my appointment with SRL Diagnostics and took the Vitamin and Mineral test.

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Ariel unveils #ShareTheLoad for the SuperHeroes of today!

Lifestyle April 1, 2019

Our relationships are special! Built on the foundation of love & respect they bring immense joy but a huge chunk of responsibilities too! In modern day, the woman of the house supports her family in every way possible, whether it’s going out to earn or cooking or doing the laundry. It’s time now that the men of the house wear the Superhero hat and #ShareTheLoad with their wife and mother.

Ariel recently unveiled a unique initiative which is called Sons #ShareTheLoad which emphasizes on the need for sons to Share the load when it comes to household chores. Gone are the days when the women takes full responsibility for the domestic chores. The #ShareTheLoad movement was started in India to address the household inequality that exists in our society.

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TE-A-ME: A Tea for you, me and all of us filled with fun, flavours and health!

Food, Lifestyle February 12, 2019

Over the years, we have added things like cinnamon, ginger, laung, ilaichi to our morning and evening cup of tea which not only enhances the flavour but also energizes you, revitalizes you, and keeps you healthy! Would you believe if I tell you there are flavourful variants of teas according to your need! If you want to cheer up after a hard day, there is a tea, if you want to rejuvenate, there is a tea….that too with yummy ingredients like orange, cranberry etc. That’s the world of TE-A-ME which stands for ‘A Tea for every me’!

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